
Friday, January 30, 2009

Goof Balls

Welcome to Crazy Town, where it's ok to wear your pants on your head! The kids have been cooped up for over a week now. Collin missed an entire week of school and now he has turned into a couch potato. Cameron and I had a 2:00 am ER visit because his croup was getting worse. Cooie has croup but aside from one really nasty night, he's in denial about even having it. Today is a new day, and despite feeling like crawling under a rock, I am going to rise above it and take the boys out for a drive! If you see a bright yellow mini-van I would steer clear because it's now the "croup mobile" or "Croupty"!!


Unknown said...

Well Ethan now has at least you don't have that. Ugh, sick kids suck!!! I am over it! Hope yours get better quick!