
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

11 Month old Cammy Poo

Can you believe Cameron is 11 Months old in a few days! This summer has really gone by so fast and September 3rd we will be celebrating his 1st Birthday. Cameron is very close to walking and you can't keep him down. In fact, posing for pictures is somewhat impossible. Since I need to work so fast and I have no one to catch him if he falls I need to be ready to catch him. That's why you will see chopped limbs....but I don't want to miss shots because they are not perfect.

The pics: The 1st one captured Cameron falling over in the basket. The 2ND he decided to trash my backdrop. The 3rd and 4TH I did manage to get a few of him in the basket, until he fell over! The last one I tried a chair and caught this goofy grin. I thought I would share it to show is new top tooth and the other one is making an appearance as well. So now, he has 4 teeth.
Well, you can't blame a mama for trying! At least he was happy right!


2catpeeps said...

Oh Cameron Quinn! I just love your tooth!

2catpeeps said...

Silly Meow-ma! I mean Cameron CRUZ!
And I still love your tooth!

Tiffany said...

He's so adorable! That last picture is a crack up!!!