
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm such a lucky mama.

My house is a disaster. The laundry is not done. I have a million things to do but all I really want to do is freeze these moments. Good thing I have my camera by my side at all times. I love my little guys! A fun outing chasing squirrels and pretending the gazebo is a haunted house. They have such great imaginations, I love that about them! Collin made up an imaginary "Grandpa mailman" not to long after that Cooie decided he had a "Grandpa frog". Cooie still talks about his Grandpa frog a year later.

I keep a journal of things that happen with the boys, like the first tooth or funny things they might say. I was just reading it over and here are some of the entries:

December 9th 2007
Tony was on sitter duty. I did not close the baby gate to the kitchen as I left. When I came home I noticed an entire bag of marshmallows was gone. Tony knew nothing about it. When I went to Collin, I asked him why he had a band-aid on his tummy he replied, "I ate to many marshmallows."

August 27th 2009
My mom was over watching the kids while we went to Seattle for a job. Collin went to the kitchen sink and took the sprayer, put it in his mouth and proceeded to get a drink. Grandma asked Collin if mommy let's you do that? He replies: Sometimes, If she doesn't see me!


Kelly said...

You are one lucky mamma, and a good one at that! I love seeing your beautiful boys. God has blessed you girl! Way to go on these beautiful lives you've created.

Tiffany said...

You are very lucky, three gorgeous boys with such amazing and funny personalities! I only hope I can be so lucky one day!

Ambie said...

That is too funny about the bandaid! Kids say the cutest things!!!