
Saturday, April 11, 2009

What a productive day I've had

Today we finally trimmed the 20x20 prints I've had down to 19 3/4 x 19 3/4 since those are the frames I had. We put them on the wall, they are actually the photos in my blog header that I just had to blow up. I made a lasagna, carrot cake and hash brown casserole for tomorrows get together. The Easter baskets and Easter eggs are done for the egg hunt. We even went the Leavenworth with all the boys yesterday to meet some friends. I feel very accomplished and happy to have everything done on my wish list.
Have a Hoppy Easter!


Tiffany said...

The blow ups look great! And what a comfy looking couch, can I come nap on it : )
Oh man, carrot cake... You're making me drool!