
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'd like a price quote for a new windshield...

Awhile ago, I was having a conversation over the phone with my brother who lives in California. Hi, Uncle Collier! We were talking and the kids started up screaming in the background, (a usual occurrence). He said "is someone being scalped over there?" as the screams echoed thru the phone. I have never laughed so hard in my life, because it's exactly what it sounded like. Like, someone was being tortured.

Yesterday, I made a phone call to a windshield company. Ted was so kind to take my call and give me a price quote. My wonderful and very intuitive "3 sons" always know when I'm on the phone and inevitably gather right at my feet. As they are screaming and doing the usual "scalping" as we now call it. The poor guy, Ted says in a tremor.........."w h a t, was that?" I explained to the confused guy who obviously does not have little kids, that those screams were from my 3 sons (ages 5 and under). I explained this all while fighting back tears of laughter. All I could think about was the sounds he heard from his end and what my brother said it sounded like to him!

If you all wonder why I blog, it's because I can't call you!


Jamie Tamez said...

Yesterday it was a total of 5 boys being scalped! LOL I always say my kids want nothing to do with me until that phone rings!

2catpeeps said...

April, you are not alone! I hear that on the phone alot! It makes me laugh, I think of you! Never stop blogging! I love your blog!!
Cammy is getting so BIG! Is he prepared for the big squeeze?

Tiffany said...

haha, I remember that phone call! Hilarious