
Monday, September 1, 2008

Cameron and testing

As I mentioned in a previous post, Cameron is being tested to make sure his AFP levels are ok. He had the first blood draw and it was at level #8. Children's hospital apparently goes up to #12 as normal. I believe, although it has not been said by the ped. that he is just being extra cautious because the #'s conflict with what he was told vs. what Children's goes by. It does make me feel good that Children's thinks this a normal level and also that Cameron's ped is so on top of things. We went in for an ultrasound and have not heard back from the ped. about the results. Aside from me yelling at the ultrasound tech, Cameron did pretty well with this ultrasound. Tomorrow we go in for a repeat blood draw to see if the AFP level has changed. So, I hope that level is either lower or the same. If it indicates an increase it's more testing for my poor little man. He will turn "1" on Wednesday so I hope we celebrate with good news. My heart tells me he is ok! I have gotten a little used to the idea of him having this disorder, so it's not as scary to me anymore. When the Dr. calls your house however, it's tummy ache city. Will update when I know anything else.


Jamie Tamez said...

April he is getting so big!!! He looks like a little boy not so much a baby anymore! Bless Cammy's little heart.